Ryodoraku is an expert system designed to assist the Acupuncture Diagnosis via the Ryodoraku Chart. On this method, the practitioner collects a set of energetic measures on a specialized device and use that raw data to plot an energetic chart of the patients condition. Based on the evaluation of the chart, the practitioner has access to possible symptoms and procedures to bring the patient back into his/her normal energetic state. There is also detailed information about the involved acupuncture points, including location description and picture.
i-Ryodoraku provides the following features:
Add/Delete Patient Information
Add/Delete/Browse Patients Ryodoraku history
Enter Ryodoraku measurements
Plot Ryodoraku Chart
Indicate possible Symptoms
Suggest Acupuncture treatment
This software assumes that the practitioner has access to a NOT INCLUDED Ryodoraku device.